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Every good story begins with a dream and every dream begins with a dreamer.

The Bear Coal Beginning

Anton Medved (Papa Tony) was born in Plemenitas, Yugoslavia on March 15, 1889. He later changed his last name to Bear (direct translation from Yugoslavian) to appear more 'American'. He traveled with his parents to America in 1904. They briefly lived in Montana, but instead opted for the coal mines in the rugged and remote area of Crested Butte, Colorado.

Virginia Marta (Grandma Bear) was born in Calasca- Castiglione, Italy on August 23, 1898. She traveled to America with her parents in August of 1904. They eventually settled in Cedaredge, Colorado.


Papa Tony married Grandma Bear in December 1914. They homesteaded land two miles east of Somerset, Colorado, which later became the Bear Coal Company in 1929. Four children quickly followed: Charlie (1915), Jimmie (1917), Edith (1919), and Billy (1923).


Life was hard for the young couple. Papa Tony had a knack for turning out a wicked batch of moonshine. He soon had a route with regular customers. Life was looking up. When he learned that his 'profession' was soon to be confiscated, the family quickly stashed the still in a crudely dug hole in the side of the mountain. It was then, that the Bear Coal Company was born. Life changed dramatically for the family. Papa Tony was off to the mines, Grandma bear spent her days cooking and running a boarding house, and the kids were fully immersed in the mining life. 


Jimmie (Papa Bear), stopped attending school at the age of 12 and joined Papa Tony in the mines. A life of strenuous physical labor and insurmountable work created an unforeseen- and unique- work ethic and drive. Maybe it was the Bear blood in the family. Where many would fall short; Papa Bear would continue. He was the first to begin working and the last to remain standing. Where many would complain or boast; he remained quiet. He didn't speak of Pearl Harbor and his battle in Midway during World War II, nor did he speak of his travel around the world-  unless asked. He lived a simple life, but a good life. Those that knew him, knew him by his actions, not his words or his belongings. He had married Thelma Todd (Granny Bear) in 1938 and they had two daughters. Few knew Papa Bear more closely than his daddy's girl, Cindi, and she was blessed to grow up alongside him, with the same unique work ethic and drive that her dad so boldly displayed. Maybe- it was the Bear blood in her.


As all good stories do, this one began with a dream. Bear coal was a successful mining operation for 50+ years. In 1977, the mine broke their production record and mined 200,000 tons of the black gold. The mine was later sold to Atlantic Richfield. The dream had been a success! And now, well over a century later, the dreams continue in the Bear family with the establishment of Bear Coal Soda Fountain.


We open our doors with warmth and pride as we offer you a place to take a moment and enjoy life. Grab a drink, some good company, and consider your own dreams, your heritage, and the stories that brought you here today.


We're glad you've joined us.

Cindi Bear Crabtree




555 Ledford Street

Craig, CO 80625



Tel: (970) 824- 9274




OPENING April 24


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